A Flat Major Studies | Rubank Intermediate Method For Flute | Practice Flute With Me

9 months ago

A Flat Major Studies | Rubank Intermediate Method For Flute | Practice Flute With Me

Welcome back to Musician's Addition! Practice with me for flute with your teacher, Reesa. Today, we're diving into the A-flat major studies from the Rubank Intermediate Method for flute, page 28.

In this session, we'll be exploring higher registers, so don't forget to protect your ears. We start by reviewing the A-flat major key signature, which includes B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, and D-flat. Pay special attention to those D-flats as we proceed through the exercises.

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Tomplay: Tomplay is an interactive sheet music app for all instruments and for all skill levels. Get tons of sheet music with backing tracks all at the tip of your fingers. Slow pieces down, speed them up, mark your music, and find finger charts. Check out Tomplay today! Get your 14 day free trial here: https://bit.ly/TomplayCoupon

Tonegym: Exercise all your music skills in one program! Improve your aural skills, music reading skills, and theory skills with games. Take your learning further with the music academy (videos and quizzes). Share your music and ask further questions in the community! Check it out here: https://www.tonegym.co?aff=10027

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