Egypt is on the verge of war with Israel & It’s all Biden’s fault.

4 months ago

Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t have enough clout to continue military aggression. Israel for its part, realised it would inevitably come a cropper if it kept engaging in warfare, with the Arab states and so the Camp David Accords were signed in 1978, came into force 1979 to keep the peace between the two countries.
Well, it is now looking ropier than it has in, well my lifetime really, having come into being in 1978 myself.
The reason Joe Biden is at fault here lies in the relations the US has, with both Israel and Egypt.
I don’t need to go into the relationship with Israel I don’t think, it is utterly unconditional, how else do you describe a country that has just sat back and not only allowed a genocide to take place, but defend Israel’s right to be doing it, to the point of threatening international courts of law if they dare prosecute them or any of the people in government.
The relationship with Egypt, following the Camp David Accords, should have been just as tight.
Prior to the Yom Kippur War, a peace process was actually being brokered by a joint US and Soviet taskforce to end the hostilities between Egypt and Israel. The war broke out though and that fell apart, in no small part due to the ignorance of Nixon and Kissinger who thought war wouldn’t break out. In 1974 though, proper diplomatic channels were opened to the US, in part due to a change in Egyptian leadership, who offered financial aid and US tech as well as negotiate with Arab states to break of aggressions with Israel and help Egypt foster a relationship with Israel. This US aid also came about because the new Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat had approached the Soviets for help first, but the US deal was the sweeter one in the end, you can argue he played the US and their Cold War proclivities here, but it all ended up with those Camp David Peace Accords being signed, overseen by the then administration of Jimmy Carter. So back in the late 70’s the US was seen as even handed regarding Israel and Egypt. The problem with Joe Biden, the reason tensions are now rising to the point Egypt may got to war with Israel again after 45 years of peace, is because the US are now seen to have clearly taken one side against the other and the Peace Accords be damned.
Biden is all in with Israel that is not news, but in Egyptian eyes, the US under his leadership is betraying them and that in no small part is to do with what Israel have been allowed to do in recent days without any criticism or censure coming from the US.
It was bad enough the other week when Israel, in violation of the peace accords, seized control of the Gaza side of the Rafah Border Crossing and closed it. Now, they’ve seized control of the entire Gaza Egyptian border. Why have they done that? Well I did cover a story the other day about a new aid crossing to circumvent the Rafah border being opened at the point where the Israeli, Gaza and Egyptian borders meet, at Kerem Shalom, aid through which should have begun last Sunday, supposedly Biden had negotiated this, but with the entire Gaza Egyptian border now under Israeli control, no aid has entered at all, in fact Kerem Shalom has reportedly been closed ever since May 7th. Certainly now the Israeli military are in control it’s not opening.
If seizing the Rafah Border Crossing was violating the Camp David Accords, then seizing the entire length of the Gaza-Egypt Border, the so called Philadelphi Corridor, as Israel call it, does so on steroids.
This is meant to act as a buffer zone between Egypt and Israel, 14km long, but Israel have seized it, claiming it is an oxygen line for Hamas, so are the words of Daniel Hagari, who I prefer to call Mr Pointy, because he does like pointing at stuff, such as calendars on walls, but calling them lists of Hamas targets or operatives instead, because frankly Israeli spokespeople couldn’t lie straight in bed.
Already things are escalating along this buffer zone, which the Camp David Accords strictly prohibit the numbers of soldiers permitted within, but with the IDF now having taken operational control of it, reports of an Egyptian solider already having been killed have come in, with more shooting now kicking off between the two nations, all because Israel is somewhere they shouldn’t be. Well that counts for the whole of Gaza of course but as far as the peace accords go, it’s this buffer zone.
At a political level, things are souring too and this is bad news not just for Biden, but for peace as a whole. Egypt, having had peaceful relations with Israel for the last 45 years are as good as you can find, as experienced as you can find in negotiating with them. This is why they have been key players in all negotiations so far, many of the talks having taken place in Cairo, between Israel and Hamas, but that’s out of the window if Egypt now go to war with them based on their actions and the fact that the US appears to have blatantly chosen to side with Israel and not them, despite reliance on their negotiators and their intelligence AND that these will be crucial to the peace deal Biden has now proposed, that is getting a fair bit of press at the moment, though you’ll note that despite Hamas having agreed to the last peace deal and Israel pulling the plug, it is Hamas being told that they must accept it in our media again. I smell a rat with that, but I’m not going to go into it here.
At any rate that peace deal is a pipe dream if Egypt pull the plug on the peace accords because of Biden’s taking sides and don’t just take my word for that, here’s an excerpt from Middle East Eye from yesterday, spelling it out:
‘The Biden administration’s near unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza is stoking resentment towards the US among Egypt’s powerful defence establishment, complicating the administration’s bid to revive ties between Cairo and Israel to reach a Gaza ceasefire.
Egypt’s Supreme Military Council, the General Intelligence Service and other defence officials are angry that the US has sided with Israel over its invasion of Rafah and seizure of the Philadelphi Corridor, a former Egyptian official briefed by members of Egypt’s intelligence community, told Middle East Eye.
“Within the defence and intelligence establishment Camp David is dead,” the former official said, referring to the 1978 accords that laid the foundation for a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt a year later, underwritten by the US.
Riccardo Fabiani, at the International Crisis Group, described US-Egypt ties at the moment as “triangular”.
“The tensions between Egypt and Israel on the Gaza border are effectively fuelling tensions between the US and Egypt.”’
Now I began this video by saying it is Egypt threatening to toss the Camp David Accords into a fire, but really this is being done by the nation that actually brokered the accords in the first place, the US, because nothing, absolutely nothing, matters more to Joe Biden than Israel, that precious Western footprint in the Middle East, now acting with despotic, genocidal abandon and nothing will make that man seemingly deviate from siding with them. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to the back teeth of reading articles telling me how frustrated Biden is, how angry he is with Netanyahu, because what actually ever changes? If peace is only possible with Egyptian co-operation, then what the hell is Biden doing, not telling Israel to get out of the Philadelphi Corridor and relinquish control of the Rafah Border Crossing, held by Israel for getting on for a month now, so it may reopen? Every day this does not happen, is another day of supporting Israel and not Egypt and is another day that Egypt could now say enough is enough, and send their troops in to restore the buffer zone? I’d remind you that this is Rafah that would be caught in the middle. Biden is playing a stupidly dangerous game here. He’s been picking the wrong side the whole way along so far, if he carries on and Egypt does go to war, it will be on him, the man who will have wrecked 45 years of peace, by insisting on siding with a genocidal maniac in Benjamin Netanyahu.
I went into the camp David Accords in more detail along with the seizure of the Rafah Border Crossing by Israel last month in this video recommendation here if you’d like to dive into this story a little more deeply and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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