Roar of the Ganges by Swami Tadatmananda: Part 41 (Yamsox Live Reading May 3rd, 2024)

8 months ago

Discover the Essence of Self with Upanishads | The Journey Within

Dive into the profound layers of spirituality as we embark on a journey that starts with a passionate exploration of sacred texts, leading to the deep teachings of the Upanishads. Discover the paradoxical nature of knowing the self, the concept of boundless consciousness, and how inference plays into our awareness. This discussion offers unique insights into spirituality, inviting you to explore your inner universe through the lens of ancient wisdom.

00:00:00 Embarking on a Spiritual Journey
00:02:09 The Love for Sacred Texts
00:03:55 Unveiling the Self in Upanishads
00:06:16 Paradox of Knowing the Self
00:08:04 Boundless Consciousness
00:10:18 Inference and Awareness

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