Secrets Of Underground Sex Trafficking Tunnel Operations

8 months ago

Paul Vallely,
National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition

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Morning Intelligence Report
MG Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)
WOKE Generals/Admirals
Royal A. Brown III
LTC-(USA-Ret), Infantry, Airborne, Ranger
Guest Editorial
May 29, 2024
The following are reasons why the Obama 3 Administration and its WOKE Generals/Admirals are having trouble recruiting and retaining today's military personnel.
- Exemptions from Deployment for up to a year for pregnant females and even military spouses once the baby is born
- Field Lactation Stations
- Opening Every military position, including close combat to women
- Time Out Cards during basic training
- Mandatory instruction on Critical Race Theory
- Changing Chaplain's Corps to entirely non-denominational
- Terrible Rules of Engagement for those in combat in Iraq & Afghanistan & elsewhere resulting in unnecessary deaths and maiming
-  Afghanistan pull-out travesty
-  Allowing transgenders to serve and paying for sex change operations
-  Facilitating Nation Building rather than Combat Readiness
- Islamization of our military
- Promoting traitors like Alexander Vindman
- Allowing enemies to capture our fully armed gunboats and run rings around a fleet of our combat ships
- Training emphasizing Diversity, inclusion, and equity rather than combat operations that lead to such disasters as two modern destroyers colliding with merchant ships on the high seas and resulting in the deaths of sailors
- Promoting a policy allowing the military to refuse assignments based on the perception they will be discriminated against because of LGBTQMxyz or other tendencies
- Renaming every military post named after Confederate Generals (even though Congress enacted a law stating that those who fought on the side of the South are considered US veterans). Following Civil War I (AKA the War of Northern Aggression, the war between the states, etc.), our people's representatives consciously decided to name many of our military installations after CSA generals to reunite our nation amicably.  At the time, our national wounds were still fresh, and this effort was made to honor the bravery of the CSA military.  The signs at the gates are set with steel posts to be permanent.  The name of the installation is not fastened with Velcro(tm) and should not be changed just because a bunch of people who have no understanding of history decided to throw a hissy fit
.- Following guidance that Climate Change is the #1 threat to national security
- Relieving Commanders for displaying views against LGBTQMxyz
 - Going soft on traitors like Bergdahl, whose desertion in combat resulted in the deaths of 6 US soldiers looking for him
- Changing physical fitness standards to gender neutral thus reducing any reasonable standards - Reducing the standards and requirements for graduation from challenging combat courses such as Rangers, Force Recon, Special Forces, Crucible, SEALs, etc. so that women could pass and be "qualified."
- USMC uses rainbow-colored patches and bullets to celebrate "Pride Month."
- Suppressing information on sexual harassment in the military where the leading suspects are not heterosexual males.
- Ridding the service of "toxic masculinity" and replacing many former warriors with pajamas or Pillsbury doughboys.
- Cancelling the culture of the former military that most of us were proud to serve and replacing  the "warrior spirit ethic/ethos" feared by our enemies with something we are hard-pressed to identify with that is no longer feared by our enemies
-Mandatory experimental gene therapy COVID shot rendering over 40,000 sterile.
- The Armed Services Committee complained to the Army that too many women are not passing the PT test. They have told the Army to change the PT Test for women to measure the things women can master. Yep, that will make them combat-ready.
- Recruiting and retention stats are at an all-time low.  Here are other reasons why.
1. The constant headlines about sexual assault and sexual harassment looms large in the eyes of parents and potential recruits.  People fear being at the mercy of sexual predators.  
2.  The discussions about transgender individuals in the dorms and locker rooms….
3.  Some women believe they will be pushed into the combat arms.
4.  Unisex uniforms
5.   There are some things about openly serving homosexuals that the current generation will tolerate but not embrace.
6.  Trust has eroded and must be earned back.
7.  The humiliating route in Afghanistan weighs heavily.
8.  Wesley Manning and Bo Bergdahl get more media coverage than the highly decorated heroes.
9.  There is no perceived challenge for the Alpha Males in mixed-sex recruit training.  The average 18-year-old male does not approach a screeching Harpie Army drill sergeant well.  Indirect Physical intimidation by leading by example will not work when the Drill Sergeant cannot even pass your PFT.  (a linebacker team captain leads differently from a QB team captain.  At the entry-level, the Tennis team captain cannot lead the linebackers.)
10.  The full-scale entry of the Flag ranks (mostly retired) into the political fray has been an out-and-out disaster on every level.  The perception is that they are partisan political, grossly self-serving, corrupt, and incompetent all at once. 
11.  Being accused, almost daily, that you are racist, privileged, homophobic, sexist, and that your values are toxic does not help recruit. 
Since the stolen election, I have been recommending that the state of the military is terrible and that I would not want anyone to join the military for any reason. Today, we have immoral leaders at the highest levels. There is no sense in becoming cannon fodder or, worse yet, having to give up all morality to become successful.
I'm sure you can think of other ridiculous military policies in place under O'Biden, Austin, Milley, etc., that have grossly undermined morale and the ability to fight and win in combat. I know we still have brave, strong soldiers in the trenches today, serving honorably, but for how much longer under these circumstances?
Amy Opens its Doors to Recruits Who Fail to Meet Initial Body Fat and Academic Standards Amid Recruiting Crisis |
I think there is even more.    Facts are secondary. Impressions and perceptions matter. 
1.  The constant headlines about sexual assault and sexual harassment looms large in the eyes of parents and potential recruits.  People fear being at the mercy of sexual predators.  
2.  The discussions about transgender individuals in the dorms and locker rooms….
3.  Some women believe they will be pushed into the combat arms.
4.  Unisex uniforms
5.   There are some things about openly serving homosexuals that the current generation will tolerate but not embrace.
6.  Trust has eroded and must be earned back.
7.  The humiliating route in Afghanistan weighs heavily.
8.  Wesley Manning and Bo Bergdahl get more media coverage than the highly decorated heroes.
9.  There is no perceived challenge for the Alpha Males in mixed-sex recruit training.  The average 18-year-old male does not approach a screeching Harpie Army drill sergeant well.  Indirect Physical intimidation by leading by example will not work when the Drill Sergeant cannot even pass your PFT.  (a linebacker team captain leads differently from a QB team captain.  At the entry-level, the Tennis team captain cannot lead the linebackers.)
10.  The full-scale entry of the Flag ranks (mostly retired) into the political fray has been an out-and-out disaster on every level.  The perception is that they are partisan political, grossly self-serving, corrupt, and incompetent all at once. 
11.  Being accused, almost daily, that you are racist, privileged, homophobic, sexist, and that your values are toxic does not help recruit. 
Recruiting will not improve until DoD reviews its message and image.  The current leadership seems incapable of that. 
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