Thwarted Dreams

8 months ago

When ungodly opposition wins a battle out of the war, in a way that is so incredibly deceptive, it is hard to wrap our minds around that. God’s methods are sometimes very difficult to understand. Why does He do things the way that He does? Why does He allow evil to win a battle? The truth is God, He always has an endgame that is good for us, and glorious for the Kingdom. This is why it is good for us to Yield to God in the midst of battles with ungodly foes, where it seems like their are winning. It can be very discouraging for our soul if we try to “figure out” God. There are times when He doesn’t want to give us the full picture, He wants us to trust Him with His methods of getting to His endgame. God Wins!

Storms can suddenly roll into our lives and crash on the shore of our soul. The constant raging waves from our corrupted culture, crashing into our soul can be tiring on our patient endurance, and make winning feel impossible. Our expectations can get dashed by the waves that roll in and we must learn to translate disappointed expectations to trust and active faith.

God’s Infinite Love and Sovereign Will go hand in hand. If we sit at a road block of impossibility, God is right there with us, holding out His Hand of Infinite Love. These times where impossibility has become an unmovable road block, and our dreams seem to die by the impossibility of the obstacles in our way, we need to keep dreaming, keep hoping in God. Keep dreaming the impossible dream by taking our expectations and putting them in God’s Hands. We need to rehearse all the ways God has been faithful, all the things He has done that make Him trustworthy. Our expectations must become yielded to God, so He can wield them purposefully at the right time.

God’s Sovereign will can be hard to swallow, but His Infinite Love is always loving us at that roadblock we find ourselves butted up too, where our dreams of moving forward seem like they have died. Never give up on the possibility of God. Hand God your dreams and expectations, let go and let God work. It is a good time during the time between losing a battle and waiting on God to win the war, that we give God the room to work, by yielding our way to His perfect and purposeful timing for our lives. This is good living! This is stressless living! This is living in and with God’s peace, even amidst the warfare of our enemy.

The key is to not let our ungodly foes, who seem to have stolen our possibility to go forward with our dreams, have the final say in our life. Keep hoping in God. God has a good plan. Wait for it! Stay focused on God! If we take the time we do have, and instead of waiting by an obstacle, be about the business of God, the frustration will lift. When we seek first God’s Kingdom, we will find, everything else will fall into place.

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