Roar of the Ganges by Swami Tadatmananda: Part 45 (Yamsox Live Reading May 5th, 2024)

8 months ago

From the Ganges to Sannyas: A Journey Through Sanatana Dharma

Dive deep into the heart of Sanatana Dharma with a journey that begins by the sacred Ganges and travels through the spiritual setting of an ashram, preparations for Sannyas initiation, reflections on prayer and meditation, and the profound beauty of rituals. This enlightening session offers a unique glimpse into the essence and practices of Hindu spirituality, inviting viewers to explore the depths of their own spiritual journey along the way.

00:00:00 Introduction to Sanatana Dharma and the Ganges
00:02:08 Spiritual Setting in an Ashram
00:04:05 Preparations for Sannyas Initiation
00:06:31 Reflection on Prayer and Meditation
00:08:23 Discovering the Beauty of Rituals

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