Bill Gates wants to destroy trees because they produce OXYGEN

9 months ago

Bill Gates wants to destroy trees because they produce OXYGEN for us to breathe, People breathe out carbon dioxide, trees breathe in carbon dioxide.
Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen through photosynthesis, which helps offset greenhouse gas emissions and cool the planet. Bill Gates patented photosynthesis, the ability to grow food, so he can make the world starve.

Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen through photosynthesis, Bill Gates is killing trees to get rid of oxygen and photosynthesis.

Global warming is caused by the CIA DEMOCRAT_RHINO government chem-trail spraying with intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." They want to block the sun so you can not grow foods.

Pray that God kills these people, and put them in HELL and burn them forever. God can take them all out!

Owning all seeds will rule the world by starvation. And making seeds that will not grow, or will be owned by some leftist Democrat one world order that wants the planet for themselves.
Bill Gates wants to starve us so they can have the planet by 2030. They plan to blow up yellowstone volcano and hide underground as we all die.

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