Keep Your Pace

4 months ago

I love the game of golf, it is a lot of fun. I love the things that the game of golf teaches me and they are sometimes not just golf techniques, they are spiritual and character growth. There are times when you get people behind you and they don’t want to wait, they are pushing you forward off your pace. This happened the other day when a ball came flying by me, hit the ground where I was standing because the people behind us did not want to wait, wanted to push us forward. But what they didn’t realize was that there were two sets of four people ahead of me that were a part of what was slowing down the course play.

When you feel rushed, this is when distraction sets in and bad golf shots happened. My next two shots were bad because I felt rushed, and I let those behind me distract and intimidate me, and tried to speed up my pace. Keep your pace no matter what, play at your own pace. I did not play my game at my pace, and it made me play badly and be frustrated, taking the joy out of the game. When people are like that, just let them go around you, let them in front of you, so you can play your game at your own pace. If they are in that big of a hurry that they chance hurting someone by taking a shot when you have not even chipped up to the green, and they hit on top of you because they don’t want to wait, no problem, just let them go around. Stay playing at your own pace, and don’t let people who are in a hurry distract you, speed up your pace, or take away your joy for the game.

It is like that in life. We need to grow through at our own pace. Some things take longer to grow through than others, and we should not let people interrupt the pace that God has us growing at. When we take the time to “grow through” something, taking all the time necessary to learn well, to change some things up that will make us better, we will be so glad we did. We will finish well.

We shouldn’t let others push our growth, we should grow at the speed that the Holy Spirit is navigating us. We should not let others determine what that speed is, this is God’s job. God knows the time it will take for us to grow through so He can do the things He has designed and shaped us for.

Learning and growing with God, going at His pace that He has set up, we become the best we can be. When we are pushed by impatient people who want us to speed up, it takes away the level of growth God has determined we need by His purposeful timing. We should grow through at our pace and not be pushed by the demands of others who do not know us like God knows us. God knows us best. Grow through with God, Heart To Heart.

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