Odin, Intuition, and the Nervous System.

4 months ago

This video examines the possible connections between the Norse God Odin and the notions of prophecy and foresight. The etymological clues alluding to this fitting connection are sound and the nature of the one-eyed Nordic God also helps to support this concept.

Odin is known as the wanderer or "Vegtam", and also "Wodan" and "Wotaz". The terms "Wodan" and "Wotaz" can be linked to the Celtic and Gaelic epithets for a seer or prophet - "Watis" and the Latin title of the same meaning "Vates". All of these can be tied to the Welsh term "Ofydd" which relates to druidism, bardism, and the ideas of philosophy, prophecy, and wisdom.

Odin is said to have hung on the world tree Yggdrasil for 9 days to gain knowledge of the Runes.

In the anatomical allegory, the great tree is the body and nervous system - with its stems, branches, and roots.

The world tree is also called Odin's steed or Odin's horse.

The horse is an ancient symbol of the body - and the spirit (or energy) is its rider. However, in Norse mythology, Odin's' actual horse is named Sleipnir - a horse that is said to have 8 legs.

This intriguing detail may also point to the human nervous system and the importance of its upkeep and mastery. The 8 legs of Sleipnir may represent the 8 holes of the sacrum, or the sacred bone located at the base of the spinal column - through which the sacral plexus, cauda equina, or horse's tail nerve bundle flows.

This short video will discuss these etymological and anatomical wonderings - and more.

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