2024-05-29 GESARA Talk Show 224

9 months ago

May 29, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 224 - Wednesday
Duration: 5:04:40 - English and German Captions

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Barbara (St. Louis, USA)

0:00:00 Waiting room video.
0:05:09 Introduction, About the waiting room video.
0:07:05 What is happening in the world?
0:11:22 EBS Movies: [url]https://t.me/NESARA_GESARA_QFS/15632[/url]
0:15:29 Ashtara's Meditation
0:28:09 Bird, cat, a lost pigeon and consciousness
0:37:19 Johnathan Livingston Seagull, near death experiences
0:45:20 We chose to come to Earth before birth
0:48:05 RV, etc. just a stepping stone. Money is temporary. Michael Jackson
0:52:48 GESARA Updates
0:55:22 6000 Hidden technologies to be released
1:02:14 10 Things you should do if you suddenly become rich.
1:03:31 Dennis Quaid on Trump
1:04:32 Peter's new car, or a bus?
1:09:31 Wolverine's live chat
1:12:35 What do the Tier level's mean?
1:17:07 GESARA News, May 29, 2024
1:28:42 Q&A Section
1:28:47 Richard: Comments on 3 EBS videos. Ashamed for USA.
1:35:23 Peter's experience talking to an Ex-NAZI in Germany.
1:40:27 Richard: It started with WW1. Revisionism after WW2, Germans silent.
1:43:18 Recovering Gold, Evidence RV is in progress, Protect mankind.
1:50:22 Peter's German Father-in-Law's war experiences
1:53:05 Philip: Has central casting replaced originals? Legislation? EAS? Sheriffs, Cars
2:04:24 Derek: Nefarious courts cont'd. Judicial Notice, Manhandled, Canceled tax
2:35:57 Peter: Notice prepared for Kryki's case (draft)
2:41:52 Derek: In training for a judge?
2:54:05 Jack: Gas report, Movies
3:09:03 Ashtara: C.Eastwood evidence, Time travel, USS Nimitz, Time tunnel, Gal.Contact
3:44:01 Jack: CO² out of volcanoes
3:51:35 Ashtara: Monotomic gold, Chemtrails, DNA, Murka slaves, Carry uniforms? Sylphs
4:56:07 Sueg: Joining Council
4:59:03 Donald: Council. Galactic Commands 771, 1221
5:02:25 Wrapping up.
5:04:40 End.

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