Apatros Review Ep-0071: AVH: Alien vs Hunter [2007]

8 months ago

AR-0071: The very first time I cover one of the low budget "mockbusters" made by infamous film studio The Asylum on this show, AVH was typical of early-era Asylum content - threadbare quality in just about every aspect of technical and storytelling field you can think of. What's particularly interesting about this particular film is that the credited director apparently wasn't actually doing his job on the shoot, which definitely gives some insight into the film's utter lack of quality.

An alien monster crash-lands into the woods of California, causing quite a bit of a ruckus by devouring the local townsfolk, prompting a [woefully inept and unprepared] group of survivors to attempt to hunt down the monster, but another alien arrives, hot on the first alien's tail and not exactly friendly to the locals...

I have seen plenty of Asylum movies in my time, and for their 2000s catalogue, this one's the worst from that decade.

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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