14 Pro-Democracy Activists Found Guilty in Landmark Hong Kong National Security Case

3 months ago

05/30/2024 NBC News: In this landmark case under the Hong Kong National Security Law, 14 Hong Kong democracy activists were found guilty of “conspiracy to subvert state power” by the Hong Kong court, while two people, Lawrence Lau Wai-chung and Lee Yue-shun, were acquitted. Critics say this will deal another blow to Hong Kong's rule of law and its reputation as a global financial center.
05/30/2024 NBC新闻:在这起《香港国安法》下具有里程碑意义案件中,十四名香港民主活动人士被香港法院判定“串谋颠覆国家政权罪”成立,刘伟聪及李予信2人被裁定无罪释放。批评人士称,这将对香港的法治及其作为全球金融中心的声誉造成又一次打击。

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