8 months ago

Originally aired 5/25/24. God has given free will to every human, and each of us must decide whether to follow God or rebel. Romans 1 and other verses reveal that CREATION itself reveals that there is a creator God, so that we are ALL WITHOUT EXCUSE.
But today, we live in the most idol-worshiping, God-rejecting world we’ve seen since America became a nation.

And now the arch of global faith is declining again, as EUROPE is wholly given to honor ANYTHING but the God of the Bible. They protect Islam and persecute Christianity.

We think that Europe, Canada, Australia and so forth, are so advanced in their socialized governments. But they do not have the same strong constitutional protections restraining the government from punishing those who do not share their ideologies.

One of the main weapons they use are recently developed hate speech laws spreading all over the western world. These are ILL-DEFINED, and malleable to the target ideology--ALWAYS USED AGAINST THE conservative CHRISTIANS and FOR everyone else. Several recent examples demonstrate how the UK is actively weaponizing these vague laws to target Christian conservatives.

So HATE SPEECH LAWS are designed to SILENCE YOU from speaking the TRUTH. Silence you from sharing the Gospel, identifying SIN, and calling attention to their WOKE and Satanic Agenda.

Friends, Satan and his evil human agents HATE to hear the truth. They will stop at NOTHING to silence it. Those who are AGAINST GOD, HATE the TRUTH because it throws light on their LIES. As we get closer to the time of JESUS’S RETURN, we’re ALREADY seeing the signs of faith in DECLINE, just as Jesus prophesied. According to 2 Thes, people will DESPISE the TRUTH, and PREFER the ANTICHRIST.

And in SPITE of this darkening age, SPEAKING THE TRUTH IS WHAT WE’RE CALLED to DO.

We are to be the watchman on the wall warning the world to turn to JESUS for everlasting life. We all have a platform that God wants us to step onto.

God’s heart is to SAVE THE LOST, even UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE, which we'll see as we look at Revelation ch 14, where God Graciously GIVES THE WORLD a FINAL WARNING before He shuts the door to salvation and pours out His wrath on those who receive the mark of the Beast.

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

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