Austrian, Hungarian, Cherokee, we know how to live and stay well! Part 1.

8 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Well, I wouldn't say I knew this was coming in real time, but in retrospect. I'm taught to see patterns. That's your innate immune system. And I always ask the question who's there and who's not? Whether it's in a petri dish and which red blood cell I was looking at. Who's there and who's not? Which firetruck did I send to the fire? And how do we grow these pathogens, because I was fermenting. So you have to be able to have a manufacturing plant in a living cell, a cancer cell, an immortalized cell. Transform which means it'll keep going and go through your body, a metastasis, but cancers form.
So I wouldn't say I knew, but I could see it. And I was just lucky my instincts and my training from both my mother and my father because my father is still alive, Austrian, Hungarian. And of course, I ride, Attila the Hun, and my family didn't like that much. We know how to win a fight. And so we know how to live and we know how to stay well. You of course, didn't see it coming. But I lived it. I was with AIDS patients. My PhD thesis was done in black transvestites at George Washington University.

Watch Part 2: Working with the inner workings of our immune system
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/29/2024
Watch the full interview on TalkTruth with Allan and Corri Hunsperger:

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