To: America, From: A Christian

9 months ago

Episode 108!

Faith: Josh reads a poem that he wrote years ago and reads from Galatians 6. How do you feel about the state of our nation and the correlation of what was happening in the Bible? Do you think becoming a christian is inherently political?

Family: How are you with your neighbor? Do you love them as you do yourself? Do you strive to help them be the best they can be? How often do you talk about Jesus with them? Do you tend to only mention God and forget to say the name Jesus?

Politics: Democrat California senator blasts party over pedophile jail sentence fight: ‘I’m done with us’! Fury as Boston's woke Democrat mayor claims criminals should NOT be prosecuted for these raft of shocking crimes! NY jury finds Trump guilty on all 34 counts in criminal hush money trial, sentencing set for July!


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