China's RMB surges as trading currency, more than doubling in just two years to 8%+

8 months ago

Video: China's RMB surges as trading currency, more than doubling in just two years to 8%+ as Yen, Euro fall 隨著日圓、歐元貶值,中國人民幣作為交易貨幣飆升,短短兩年內翻了一倍多,達到8%以上

China is taking an all-of-the-above course for its international trade, and employs USD, Euro, JPY, swap lines, gold, and even Bitcoin. But in 2023, China's trade in its own currency, the renminbi, passed its use of the US dollar for the first time.

The RMB is the fastest-growing trading currency, and since 2022 its share of global trade has more than doubled, while the Japanese yen and the Euro have fallen.

Resources and links:
Zerohedge, The Start Of De-Dollarization: China's Move Away From The USD

中國的國際貿易正在採取上述所有路線,並使用美元、歐元、日圓、互換額度、黃金,甚至比特幣。 但到了2023年,中國以本國貨幣人民幣進行的貿易首次超過了美元的使用。



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