Kemco's Kablooey/It's Dynamite! Bombuzal (Super Nintendo) Original SOuntrack - Level Music Stage Theme [New and Improvement Fixed Version without the Cringe Induced Dubstep Vocal Lyrics!!!]

8 months ago

Kemco's Kablooey/It's Dynamite! Bombuzal (Super Nintendo) Original SOuntrack - Level Music Stage Theme [New and Improvement Fixed Version without the Cringe Induced Dubstep Vocal Lyrics!!!]

Ahhh Yes,this is another example of another amazing Puzzle Gem,Following in the Likes of stuff like Mole Mania (Game Boy),Chew Man Fu/Be-Ball for the Turbo Grafx 16m and Hudson SOft's/KOnami's Bomberman Series,Kecmo's Kablooey is another example of one of those overhead View Puzzle Games that also involves explosions and

This game has fantastic Music in general,but One particular song in this game which had an Amusing BGM Music Tune,but was Ruined with Terrible Vocal DubStep Lyrics which are beyond Cringe inducing which will make your Ears Bleed and Fall Off,similar to Minami Midorikawa's Stage Theme [Osaka Subway Stage] in Pretty Fighter (Super Nintendo),it was another example of a great Stage theme that starts off good,but than gets ruined halfway through when those terrible Vocal Lyrics of that cringe inducing Male Opera Singer kicks in,and just outright Ruins the Song!

thats why I took on this Next challenge to also "FIX" this song using the / online Vocal/BGM removing Program to remove those terrible Cringe inducing Hip Hop Dubstep Trax Lyrics,which are worst than any Machinma Dubstep youtube video I've ever watched back than in 2007!

And what a Vast improvement and how much better this stage theme sounds now without those cringe inducing Dubstep vocal lyrics.XD

Both Kemco and Imagineer (The Studio THat did Pretty Fighter) should Take Lessons from Wayforward's "River City Girls" it's one of the Few Gaming Gems that actually knows how to do Vocal Songs Right.XD

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