What is causing low birthrates among whites

6 months ago

What is causing low birthrates? When we closely examine the factors, it is caused by a highly deliberate process that includes specific phenomenon. When we start evoking such materialism, we see that process is that individuals occupying the main nodes promote abortion, feminism, homosexuality, mass media dessimination of pornography, and mass nonwhite immigration. These has resulted in the loss of hundreds of millions of lives. In every single case, the people playing the leading role are jews. They directly fund and it isn’t hateful to point this out. Abortion decreases the potential impotence of whites. The national abortion rights was organized by a jew who did more to promote abortion. A jew was the president of the planned abortion. A jew, Lawrence later, a jew. Feminism was extremely. As careerism stabilizes, the window for allowing women to have children narrows. They were all jews. Contraceptives were widely available, jews played a leading role in white decline. They played a role of widespread use of contraception. Julia Schmidt changes his name to hide his jewish ancestry. In 1914, trogans, Lionel Jackson founded the durex condoms. Then came the pill invented by Gregory Pincus set up a birth control pill. On June 23rd, called inovid was approved for use as an oral contraceptive. The point isn’t that the contraceptives themselves are evil, the problem is the systematic way the jewish media pushes these. They inundated whites with the problems of exaggerated overpopulation. The jews cleverly aligned ecological responspility with less children. The jewish controlled media celebrates the virtues of a childless lifestyle. This is not a passive presentation, it is an aggressive promotion of personal. They used hypnotic messaging to make a childless lifestyle seems. Rather than a response, it is in such framework, became a. LGBT results in the further birthrate decline. By glorifying personal stimulation over family formation. The tools for enabling such lifestyles is supported by jews. Tinder, Bumble, Grinder all developed by jews. As prospective parents prioritize pleasure rather than pursuing a family, today’s jewish NGO’s helped facilitiate the mass importation of nonwhites into the west thanks to the Hart Cellar Act.
Jewish influence is the root cause and without jewish influence we would not be going through all of these things!
All one needs is an objective honest look at the people.
The indirect methods change the outlook people. They have geniously integrated a radical reformation of white society. To mold and manipulate the fabric of white cultural life. Abortion is reframed as a desireable firestorm of getting rid of the unwanted future of children. Feminism is used to pursue careerism. Corporal work is the crucible of how women are being molded into doing.
Pornographic material is freely given, empowering acts of sexual liberation is preferred over birthing children. Jews play the leading role in bringing in inpalpable people. When there are scorpions in the nest, birds don’t lay eggs. Each of these jewish strategies is not only promoted through media which in turn, free from childbearing that tightens the coil around natural family formation. Jews have created a new Operating system and is resulted in a radical reformation with white births being a sacrifice. Children are viewed as a burden.

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