Lit’l Engine - Smiling Eyes

7 months ago

Lit’l Engine - Smiling Eyes busking downtown SLC, UT

Smiling Eyes by Brendan Erickson

Smiling eyes, pray from me may they never stray
Gift me your sight, never return their longing gaze
Shine your light of love upon my face
You paint with bright colors inside my world of grey

Smiling eyes shelter me from impending storms
Be a harbinger of peace, when the dogs of war come scratching at our door
We won’t stress about lovers we had while we were on a break
We didn’t cut the trees down, we just adapted to the ever-changing landscapes.

Smiling eyes you taunt me and all the pain they bestow
Banished into your dungeon of love; black & blue, roses & gold
I don’t care about your bodies if you don’t care about mine
This polished up scoundrel before you wants to give you all his time

Smiling eyes come take me, smiling eyes don’t forsake me
We can skip the marriage talk babe and stay as long as we like
If you delete your apps then I’ll delete mine
Smiling eyes, keep smiling on me, for thine may they never pine.

#livemusic #buskermusic #slcmusic #saltlakecitylivemusic #slclivemusic #darkfolk #darkcountry

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