Buffalo Jugglers still defying gravity

6 years ago

What makes the Buffalo Jugglers so cool is not just the fact that they have been around since 1977 and that they have no official club president. And that the members seem to abide by one rule and that is "what goes up must come down." Vance Conway has been juggling for thirty years and says "many people are referring to juggling now as active meditation. You have to concentrate and you can always make it more difficult." Newcomers are always welcome and they can learn from the seasoned pros. They suggest that beginners start with bean bags, so when they hit the floor you won't have to chase them so far. When the weather is nice,beginning in May, the Buffalo Jugglers can be found in Delaware Park, near the Rose Garden,  Monday evenings and Saturday mornings You can find more information at the Buffalo Jugglers website.

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