比爾蓋茨被發現告訴其核心圈子「全球饑荒」將使精英們「如神般」 Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle 'Global Famine' Will Make Elites 'God-Like'

8 months ago


#比爾蓋茨 被發現告訴其核心圈子「全球 #饑荒 」將使 #精英 們「如神般」

#BillGates Caught Telling Inner Circle 'Global #Famine ' Will Make #Elite s 'God-Like'


#全球主義 億萬富翁比爾 #蓋茨 被發現告訴他的核心圈子,毀滅性的「全球飢荒」是精英們不屈不撓地走向全球統治的下一步。

據蓋茨稱, #削減人口 後留在地球上的 5 億人不僅會很容易控制,他們還會渴望精英們目前只能夢想的控制水平。

通過完全控制 #糧食供應 、 #農田、 #種子庫 和 #轉基因土壤微生物 ,蓋茨已經準備好進行比 9/11 更糟糕的假旗行動。

#Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has been caught telling his inner circle that a devastating “global famine” is the next step in the elite’s indomitable march towards total global domination.

The 500 million souls left on Earth following the great depopulation will not only be easily controlled, according to #Gates , they will also yearn for the level of control that the elites can currently only dream about.

With total control of the #FoodSupply , #FarmLand , #SeedBank s, and genetically modified soil microbes, Gates has positioned himself to carry out a false flag worse than 9/11.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v4yiitl-bill-gates-caught-telling-inner-circle-global-famine-will-make-elites-god-l.html

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