Biden Accidentally Gave The Whole Trial Shabang Away When Journo Asked Him About Trump's Verdict

4 months ago

Don't let ANYONE on the Left tell you this entire Trump trial is not political … not one. And if they insist Biden has nothing to do with it? Yeah, show them this freakin' video. LOOK on Biden's Face After Journo Asks About Trump Being a 'Political Prisoner' Is CHILLING -- Is he confused? Is he giving something away? Is he evil? Maybe all three but the smirk is very revealing.

"Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What's your response to that, sir?"

Biden (Cunfused):



*shuffles away*

He wasn't confused. He just didn't know how to answer the question. A picture is worth a thousand words:

• More at: Twitchy - LOOK on Biden's Face After Journo Asks About Trump Being a 'Political Prisoner' Is CHILLING

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