There are NO Justified Resentments - Wayne Dyer

9 months ago

Afterskool - There are NO Justified Resentments - Wayne Dyer

Oct 17, 2023
Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American self-help author and a motivational speaker. Dyer completed a Ed.D. in guidance and counseling at Wayne State University in 1970. Early in his career, he worked as a high school guidance counselor, and went on to run a successful private therapy practice. He became a popular professor of counselor education at St. John's University, where he was approached by a literary agent to put his ideas into book form. The result was his first book, Your Erroneous Zones (1976), one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 100 million copies sold.This launched Dyer's career as a motivational speaker and self-help author, during which he published 20 more best-selling books and produced a number of popular specials for PBS. Influenced by thinkers such as Abraham Maslow and Albert Ellis, Dyer's early work focused on psychological themes such as motivation, self actualization and assertiveness.

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I was in a group one time of uh drug addicts and alcoholics and I was one of the people that was
a sponsor and leading this group and the sign on the wall said there are no Justified resentments
in this group and what I said to that group that that night was no matter what anybody says to you
here no matter what kind of anger comes directed towards you no matter how much hate you may
encounter showing up in your life there are no Justified resentments meaning that if you carry
around resentment inside of you about anything or about anyone and I'm talking about the person that
you lent money to and hasn't paid you back I'm talking about the person in your life that you
feel was abusive I'm talking about the person who walked out on you and left you for somebody else
I'm talking about all of the things that you have justified in your heart and in your life
that you have the right to be resentful about and I'm suggesting to you that those resentments will
always end up harming you and creating in you a sense of Despair I've often said that no one ever
dies from a snake bite the snake bite will never kill you you cannot be unbitten once you're bitten
you're bitten but it's the Venom that continues to pour through your system after the bite that
will end up destroying you so now you have to take a look at all of the resentments that you
may have in your life and I'd like to suggest to you that I think there is a Wonder wonderful
metaphor for this that I have created in my life for how to make this work there's a show called
uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and basically this show has two levels that you have to get
to now the first level is the $1,000 level and at the $1,000 level you basically have to answer a
question like on your hand you have some digits those digits on your hand are called your feet
your nose your ears your fingers uh and everybody whoever goes on the show has this horrible dread
that they're going to go out on one of those questions right so basically in order to get
to the Thousand level all you have to do is answer five pretty simple questions in order to uh to get
to the th000 level now the th000 level for you in this metaphor means that you will leave with
something if you get this at least get this this is the Thousand level you must send blame out of
your life for any conditions of your life blame has to go all right now blame means if you're
sitting there with a disease you say without guilt it's mine I take responsibility for it
this means that if you have been through any tough circumstances in your life this means if you have
a minimal amount of Financial Security in your life this means if your children don't get along
with you this means that uh if your neighbors are having taking up a petition to get you out of the
neighborhood whatever it might be that's going on in your life you name it and everybody has
a series of these things that you're willing to say I am here because of the choices that I have
made right now I'm willing to say that even though it's difficult and we know it's really
not your fault we know really there's a lot of people out there who are really bad all right
but but you're willing to say no blame that's the first level all right that's where you understand
no Justified resentments and then on the uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show there is what is
called the $32,000 level and the $32,000 level is not only an opportunity for you to walk away
with a sizable amount of goodies but it also is the door opener to multi- wealth but you got to
get to this in order to have an opportunity to move into these Transcendent levels all right
millionaire spiritual status all right you got to get through these next five questions and this
$32,000 question or level rather comes to this and it came to me from a quotation that I use in the
writing of a spiritual solution to every problem I read the uh a book that was written a couple of
thousand years ago by pangali the yoga sutras the aphorisms of patang and one of those sutras one of
those aphorisms observations that This brilliant man made almost 2,000 years ago was this he said
if you become steadfast in your exensions of thoughts of harm directed towards others all
living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence now this translates to blame pretty basic
no more blame I'm just not going to assign responsibility to other people for where I am
because now I have an opportunity to get rid of it if I think someone else CAU it then I've got
to wait for somebody else to change in order for me to get rid of it and you might wait forever for
that but if I take responsibility for it I can do something including move on which might be
the most important thing to do but at the higher level when there are no Justified resentments what
you are doing is you are at a place where you are sending love in response to hate you are literally
saying no matter what comes my way I am going to be steadfast in my exstension of thoughts of harm
directed toward others I'm going to work hard at no matter what comes my way having it come out
of me what I want to come out of me and that is love and that is a higher energy and if you can
get to that level patanjali said all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your
presence I have a little girl a precious little girl I have six precious girls and two precious
Sons but I have a a little girl who is almost 12 and she loves animals like no one I've ever
met in my life I mean her whole life revolves around animals and when we walk in the woods
butterflies avoid me fly away from people around and they come and they land right on her arm and
it happens all the time all living creatur she couldn't have a thought of harm directed towards
any living creature and patang said to us all living creatures will cease to feel fear or
enmity or anger in the presence of those who can send love in response to hate that's what I mean
when I say there are no Justified resentments what I'd like to do I'd like to share a little
story here with you it's a very tender story it was sent to me by someone who sends me beautiful
things in the mail and I call it the teddy story and I'd like to read this to you if I can do it
without tearing up and this story illustrates this as well as anything I've ever seen there's
a story many years ago of an elementary school teacher her name was Mrs Thompson as she stood
in front of her fifth grade class on the very first day of school she told the children a lie
like most teachers she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same but that was
impossible because there in the front row slumped in his seat was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard
Mrs Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the
other children that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath Teddy could be
unpleasant had got to the point where Mrs Thompson would actually take Delight in marking his papers
with a broad red pen and making bold x's and then putting a big F at the top of his papers at the
school where Mrs Thompson taught she was required to review each child's past records and she put
Teddy's off until last however when she reviewed his file she was in for a surprise Teddy's first
grade teacher wrote Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh he does his work neatly and he has
good manners he's a joy to be around his second grade teacher wrote Teddy's an excellent student
well-liked by his classmates but he's troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life
at home must be a struggle his third grade teacher wrote his mother's death has been hard on him he
tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect
him if steps aren't taken Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote Teddy's withdrawn and doesn't show
up much interest in school he doesn't have many friends and sometimes he even sleeps in class by
now Mrs Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself she felt even worse when her
students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper except for
Teddy's his present was clumsily wrapped in his heavy brown paper that he got from the grocery
bag Mrs Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other present some of the children
started the when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing and a bottle that
was one qu full of perfume but she stifled her children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty
the bracelet was putting it on and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist Teddy Stoddard stayed
after school that day just long enough to say Mrs Thompson today you smell just like my mom used
to after the children left she cried for at least an hour on the very day she quit teaching Reading
Writing and arithmetic and instead she began to teach children Mrs Thompson paid particular
attention to Teddy as she worked with him and his mind seemed to come alive the more she encouraged
him the faster he responded by the end of the year Teddy had become one of the smartest children in
the class and despite her lie became one of her teachers pets a year later she found a note under
the door from Teddy telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life six
years went by before she got another note from Teddy he then wrote that he had finished High
School third in his class and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life four
years after that she got another letter saying that while things had been tough at times he
stayed in school and stuck with it and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors
he assured Mrs Thompson that she was still the very best and favorite teacher he ever had in
his whole life then four more years passed and yet another letter came this time he explained
that after he got his bachelor's degree he decided to go a little further the letter explained that
she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had but now his name was a little longer
the letter was signed Theodore F Stoddard MD but the story doesn't end there you see there was
yet another letter that spring Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married he explained
that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs Thompson might agree to
sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom of course
Mrs Thompson did and guess what she wore that bracelet the one with the several rhinestones
missing and she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing
on their last Christmas together they hugged each other and Dr Stoddard whispered in Mrs Thompson's
ear thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference Mrs
Thompson came with tears in her eyes and whispered back Teddy you have it all wrong you were the one
who taught me that I could make a difference I didn't know how to teach until I met you isn't
that a beautiful story that symbolizes there are no Justified resentments work at reaching that
$32,000 level the place where the only thing you have to send is love because that's what's inside
and that's the message of our greatest spiritual teachers that's all they ever had to give [Music]
[Music] away

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