AshkeNAZI "jew" Germany ~ The Khazars, Bauer=Rothschild

8 months ago

Following the "conviction" of DJT, looks like today's theme, or "pulse", of topic is the fake jews.. bankers, etc. Not so sure that Greg Reese can rightly claim NO association of the so-called "Star of David" (aka "Seal of Solomon') with earlier "jews" of history. More likely, the Khazars either already used this symbol or stole it, as an idea for representation of their cabal, or "club".
This symbol has been in use for ages to ancient times. It is better and best presented as a "Star Tetrahedron", and is said to be the strongest structure (design) in the UNIVERSE.
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Aside fron the 2D (flat) representation, which is somewhat well known for occultic symbolism and uses in practices of satanic worship, such as "conjuring", or summoning dark spirits.
The upward triangle points heavenward, the downward towards earth or "hell", more accurately the "bottomless pit", "abyss" or Tartarus, the place of imprisonment for the spirits of the Nephilim. A symbol of duality, such as also male and female.

Anyway, Hitler was a kook and puppet, used as a patsy, although I agree that he hated the debauchery caused by the fake "jews" and those Khazars, themselves. We are now witnessing their greatest, boldest rise to power and the end to them and their rule and cabal. It shall ultimately be accomplished to completion, finished off only by the almighty Creator, embodied within the Son, who is his Light of the Holy Spirit of Love.

The thumbnail photograph used is an alleged (which i believe to be real and true) photo of Adolf, somewhere in South America, when he was in his late 80s.

Video Source: Reese Report (INFOwars)

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