Throat Exercises to Easily SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE

3 months ago

This Bioenergetic exercise routine is designed to open up our throats and express ourselves more fully. We Speak with Confidence and Find Your Voice by opening up our throats and releasing traumatic holding patterns. This makes us naturally speak more clearly and talk more confidently.

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Please do these exercises to find your voice when you have not eaten in at least a couple of hours. It is somewhat uncomfortable especially with all the gagging that occurs naturally but you will notice the results immediately. If you have any history of bulimia, please speak to a bioenergetic therapist before trying these exercises.

Throat Exercises to Easily SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE
00:00 Introduction to Bioenergetic Throat Exercises
01:30 Grunting with our throats - Bioenergetics
04:15 Grunting Throat Massage - Bioenergetics
06:55 Noisy Inhale and Exhale - Bioenergetics
09:40 Self Induced Gagging - Bioenergetics
11:00 Vomiting Water - Bioenergetics

If you are interested in learning why and how this Psycho Somatic therapy works so well, the best intro book for Bioenergetis is by Alexander Lowen himself, "Bioenergetics: The Revolutionary Therapy That Uses the Language of the Body to Heal the Problems of the Mind"


Bioenergetic exercises are great for changing and upgrading our lives, however, this course it is not suitable for everyone. There are two areas you need to check on before getting into this course and beginning the series of exercises.

1. Mental Health

If you've ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition, then you need to check in with a suitably qualified person before beginning these exercises. If you have specifically been diagnosed with one of the following conditions, then you will certainly be excluded from doing these exercises on your own: history of psychotic episodes, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and related conditions usually treated with heavy, suppressive medications.

If you currently are taking any form of inhibitory or mood altering-medication or have a history of injecting drug use, then you need to get medical advice prior to beginning these exercises. If you have a serious emotional or personality problem, do not attempt these exercises alone because they may lead to feelings that are more than you can handle alone. Here as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to get some professional advice.

To be clear, you need to have a relatively normal ego to practice Bioenergetic exercises without expert supervision. People not on medication but experiencing an emotional difficulty or even a “low level” mental health condition may find these bioenergetic exercises beneficial, yet it must be done prudently. If at any time you are threatened or overwhelmed by your feelings during an exercise, stop the exercises immediately, allow the feeling to subside, and seek professional help.

2. Physical Health

If you have any physical disability or illness, you should consult your physician before undertaking any program of exercises, including this one. The exercises by themselves are in no way dangerous or harmful to the body even in the case of illness, but for physical disability or illness, they should be done with the approval and guidance of a medical doctor.

Even though these exercises are not nearly as physically damaging as most gym workouts, you still need to be aware of any injuries or physical conditions you have had in the past. If this is true in your case, understand each exercise before starting, go slow, and ensure that you won't be over stressing a part of your body that you have had issues with in the past. Please take care and check in with a physical health specialist if needed.

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