Dr. Peter Hotez on why the COVID-19 pandemic was just a “warm-up” act

9 months ago

Dr. Peter Hotez on why the COVID-19 pandemic was just a “warm-up” act
“We know what’s next, we’re gonna have another major coronavirus pandemic before the end of this decade, before 2030. We’re going to have zoonotic influenza illness. We’re going to have arboviruses, mosquito transmitted viruses because of that combination of climate change, we’re seeing that now on the Gulf coast. Put your tray tables in the upright position and your seats forward and your seat belts on, because this is unfortunately a new wave of pandemics is going to be upon us because of that combination of 21st century forces of climate change and urbanization and human migrations. Here’s what we need. We need to have that recognition, that Covid-19 unfortunately could be just a warm up act, that there are far worse pandemics that could be upon us. So now’s our time to be building capacity to fight it, ramping up our ability to make vaccines, enabling the virologist to do the surveillance, but unfortunately what you’re starting to see now is this revisionist history that wants to blame the virologist for creating the pandemic, so instead of containing the viruses, we’re containing the virologist and that’s gonna have tragic consequences.”
Source: 12 News (YouTube)

Turn your TV off, you’ll be fine👍

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