How Bioenergetic Breathing will change Your Life!

3 months ago

Bioenergetic Breathing is a main pillar of Bioenergetics therapy. By releasing neurotic holding patterns, we breathe correctly (fully and deeply) which reduces stress and gives us more energy.

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Bioenergetic Therapy does not concentrate heavily on “breathing exercises,” however being conscious of breathing during all the exercises is crucial for allowing us to both sense and release tensions that have been preventing us from breathing naturally.

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As adults, we tend to have disturbed breathing patterns due to muscular tensions that we hold in our bodies. These tensions affect our ability to breathe gracefully and are generally the result of emotional conflicts and trauma experienced during our lives. It is now beginning to be better understood that what happens to us during these traumatic moments affects us both psychologically and physically; sadly, most therapists are still trained to be only preoccupied with the mind and never even mention the body.

From my experience, breathing exercises help somewhat, but they do little or nothing to actually address the muscular tensions which are the culprit in disturbing our ability to breathe naturally. And this is what makes Bioenergetic Therapy so unique! In Bioenergetics, a primary focus is specifically on releasing “neurotic holding patterns” which is a fancy way of saying chronic muscular tensions which have been introduced to our bodies during traumatic moments in our past and have yet to be released.

3 keys to breathing during Bioenergetic Exercises

1. Horizontal Breathing (0:57)

In order to support our physical and psychological health, it is best for us to “breathe horizontally.” This is the correct way to inhale and exhale whether you're practicing bioenergetics or not, so feel free to practice this throughout the day. At first, you may find it to be awkward and that’s okay.

2. Open Mouth Breathing (5:55)

Bioenergetics is radically different than other bodywork or meditative practices. Instead of trying to calm down our body and mind, we are trying to charge it with energy, such that any old, stuck charge can come to the surface and be released or integrated.

3. Making Sounds (7:36)

Making sounds that resonate in our bodies during the exercises will cause inner vibrations which will help us in releasing the constrictions we may have in our throats causing us to breathe more deeply and easily. Simultaneously, we will also be learning to be psychologically okay with speaking up, being heard, and making noise. This will certainly allow us to express ourselves more freely in our day-to-day interactions.

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