Auguste Piccard went up 10 miles (16 km) height in a balloon capsule in 1931. What did he see ?

7 months ago

look in comment this wooney why he only want 2 option believe or not believe if earth round or flat cant it be triangle or Suqare or some else ? anyway i put here link to the NAME AUGUSTE PICCARD a link to POPULAR SCIENCE MAGASINET from 1931 wich u can buy meny places also on amazon here a link where u can for free download the PDF of the magasin here a link to where u can read the magasine i was not planning on make description and links and all that i RLY did think all know to just do a simple search on the name Auguste Piccard and the YEAR 1931 and the MONTH WITH DATE why people comment like this like wooney when it just a simple EASY SEARCH = do he think it is MY story and i pay for have a CAPSUL on MUSEUM in BELGIUM to cheat him on rumble video ? lol rly and i did create this links and control wiki and so on to cheat WOONEY ? = dont believe any i say or type also this but insted just do a little search on what inside before u talk shit out of u ass = i actually doubt he is DANE but he just want to go for my love to Denmark i have insted and use that / he hide behind a anonym name no BALLS use hes real name to what u say like me channel = MY NAME / he tell me go to Moon look for myself wich he know impossible and wont assist me get there seems on hes comment woud be easy if he tell me GO THERE / he did not him self do any search on the video at all but insted lash out hes anger / i litteraly belive it not facta but believe that WOONEY is described good in this video ===== ALLWAYS CHECK ALL VIDEO U SEE CHECK NAMES DATE AND SO SEE IF U CAN FIND SOME = BUT DONT START SCREAM LIKE A KID WHEN THE CAPSULE STAND IN MUSEUM TO GO LOOK AT LOL (((( BTW if u can use this Wayback Machine also if any need work on allmost everything if u have the ADDRES to a site u can go back in time look how it was and what was written before on the site = so u can see changes = put in the ADDRES and go back to the spots the Machine did record and look = links and old links most time also work )))) Wayback Machine =

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