Old Farts Fail At Football

6 years ago

Who do you think you’re calling “old?” Not these young whipper-snappers, I would hope. If you’re making columns on a piece of paper and one of them is labeled “Still Got It,” under that one is where you’d place these fellows. If they were still giving out Heisman Trophies to dudes in the 65 plus bracket, I would say we have ourselves some legit contenders in this very clip!

We start out with the QB, the specimen in maroon with the blue cap. Move over, Tom Brady; there’s a new Adonis under center. He gets comfortable in the pocket and announces his play with authority. “The Trojan sweep, and I mean Trojan!” he declares. (We here at AFV took this to mean he literally learned this play in the ancient city of Troy, not that it has any affiliation with the University of Southern California and their mascot). He declares that he’s calling the play “on red,” shouts out the few random colors he can still remember, finally says “red” and we’re off.

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