Hungry Horse Steals Hay From Farmer Transporting Hay Bales

6 years ago

We have seen horses do a lot of funny and strange things in our time. However, we have to admit this video caught us completely surprise. A farmer has put a large hay bale on a trailer and attached the trailer to a truck. He is moving the hay bale to somewhere else but the horse in the field he is in has other ideas. Despite being in a verdantly green field, this horse only desires hay straight from the bale that moving bale. How he goes about it is the part that gets tricky and hilarious as he has to chase after the truck.

When the horse is able to catch up to the, admittedly slow moving, trailer he puts both of his front legs on the hay bale. He then continues to trot with his hind legs. This is something that to be honest I did not know a horse was capable of pulling off. While he walks behind the trailer with his hooves up on the bale for balance the horse digs into the bale for his snack. He apparently only wants very specific pieces of hay because he digs in there for quite a while.

Some reading we did indicated that horses like to switch it up with different hays or grasses. Summer grasses tend to be sweeter compared to even winter grass or other legume grains. Basically, when a horse wants hay from a different grain or grass they are looking for nutrients that the current grasses are not giving them. Maybe the horse in this video wanted more fiver or higher proteins. He was just looking for what he thought he needed. We hope that he found it in the hay he nabbed.

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