US wants to buy Chinese graphite again to make cars. But now China doesn't want to sell

4 months ago

Video: The US wants to buy Chinese graphite again to make cars. But now China doesn't want to sell. 美國想再購買中國石墨來製造汽車。但現在中國不想賣了.

The White House relaxed the rules under the Inflation Reduction Act, to allow US carmakers to source graphite from Chinese companies and still qualify for subsidies. This move came as a regional war in Mozambique engulfed the only qualified supplier of graphite under the Act, and carmakers were left scrambling to find graphite, a key component of electric vehicle batteries.

But there is a problem: China has strong export curbs on graphite, along with gallium and germanium. It's unclear if China's export restrictions came as a result of the advanced semiconductor export bans, or because of US's de-facto import ban on Chinese electric vehicles. Nevertheless, China has not shown a willingness so far to relax their strict approvals process to export graphite to US carmakers.

白宮放寬了《抑制通膨法案》的規定,允許美國汽車製造商從中國公司購買石墨,並且仍然有資格獲得補貼。 此舉出台之際,莫三比克的地區戰爭席捲了該法案下唯一合格的石墨供應商,汽車製造商不得不爭先恐後地尋找電動車電池的關鍵成分石墨。

但存在一個問題:中國對石墨以及鎵和鍺實行嚴格的出口限制。 目前尚不清楚中國的出口限制是由於先進的半導體出口禁令,還是因為美國對中國電動車的事實上的進口禁令。 然而,迄今為止,中國尚未表現出放鬆向美國汽車製造商出口石墨的嚴格審批程序的意願.

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