What Allah Almighty said in Quran about parents respect?

9 months ago

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What Allah Almighty said in Quran about parents respect?

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders Discover what Islam teaches about the importance of parents and what Allah says about honoring and respecting them in this educational and informatic video. Learn more about the significance of family relationships in Islam and how to cultivate strong bonds with your parents. Gain a deeper understanding of the Islamic perspective on filial piety and the rewards of kindness towards one's parents. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion on what Islam says about parents and what Allah encourages believers to do in relation to their parents. please watch complete video to learning more today!

Allah commands us to respect and love our parents by respecting them, honoring their opinions, and dealing them with love and gentleness.

Allah Almighty declares in the Noble Quran surah An Nisa verse 36 "Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents," , 4:36].

Allah has further says in Surah Al-Isra, verse 23:

“Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and do good to parents. If any one of them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them: uff (a word or expression of anger or contempt) and do not scold them, and address them with respectful words” [17:23].

We should be devoted solely to our parents because they have been with us in almost everything in our every phase of lives. One of the most essential aspects of Islam is the love and respect for parents.
ALLAH commands us to treat our parents with great respect

ALLAH has commanded us to be nice to parents and to stop disrespecting them in many verses. However, one should not obey their parents if they push them to leave his faith in Allah. For instance, verse eight of the surah 'Ankabt says:

We have commanded people to honour their parents. But if they urge you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, then do not obey them. To Me you will ?all? return, and then I will inform you of what you used to do [29:8].

If one's parents are virtuous, however, it is necessary to respect and obey them.
The Mother's Significant Role

In the Quran, Allah stresses the importance of the mother's responsibility in parenting children. As a result, one should be more respectful to mother. Following Hadith also states the importance of mother more than father:

Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me?” He replied: “Your mother.” The man asked: “Then who?” So He (PBUH) replied: “Your mother.” The man then asked: “Then who?” So the Prophet (PBUH) replied again: “Your mother.” The man then asked: “Then who?” So He (SAW) replied: “Then your father.” [Sahih Bukhari]

The Quran also emphasises the mother's importance, saying in surah Al Ahqaf verse 15:

“And We have enjoined upon man to do good to his parents. His mother carried him with difficulty and delivered him with difficulty. And his carrying and his weaning is (in) thirty months, until when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says, “My Lord, grant me that I offer gratitude for the favour You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I do righteous deeds that You like. And set righteousness, for my sake, in my progeny. Of course, I repent to you, and truly I am one of those who submit to You” [46:15].

Because she went through the difficulties of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and rearing a kid, Islam places great importance on loving one's mother. However, the Quran recommends being kind to both parents, with a strong emphasis on the mother.
Parents Should Be Respected

There's a reason why ALLAH commands us to treat our parents with respect. This is because they were the ones who educate and care us. As a result, they have authority above us. In the Quran Allah says in Surah Al Baqarah verse 215:

They ask you as to what they should spend. Say: “Whatever good you spend should be for parents, kinsmen, orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; and whatever good you do, Allah is all-aware of it” [2: 215].
What Does the Term "Uff" Mean in Quran?

In the Quran, ALLAH commands us not to utter even the tiniest rude comment towards our parents. Even saying uff to our parents is inappropriate. Some English Quranic interpreters have rendered the word uff as fie. It is an interjection rather than a term that expresses the individual's dislike for his or her parents. As a result, we must be careful not to use such insulting interjections when conversing with our parents.
Prophet MUSA (A.S) and the Butcher

Prophet MUSA (A.S) requested ALLAH one day. As a reply, ALLAH instructed him to go to a butcher's shop. When he arrived, he noticed a young man selling meat. As night fell, he went out to get some meat and walked home. MUSA (A.S) followed him to his home's front door. Then he asked the young man, "Do you not want a guest?" MUSA (A.S) was welcomed by the youth, and he entered.

Then he noticed the young person was preparing food, that person took an elderly woman over to her and bathed her before giving her the food he had prepared. MUSA (A.S) didn't understand what the old woman was saying. As a result, he approached the young person and questioned. The young person replied to Hazrat MUSA "This is my mother”. “I am constantly looking after her”.

His old mother prayed towards her son that "May God make you MUSA's partner in paradise". "Congratulations!" MUSA (A.S) said, “Your mother's prayer has been granted, and you are now my eternal companion."
Prophets who prayed for Their Parents

In the Quran, there are two prophets who have prayed for their parents. They are Prophet SULIMAN (R.A) and Prophet Ibrahim (R.A) SULIMAN (R.A). It is mentioned in Holy Quran in the surah Al Anbiya verse 19:

So he (Sulaiman) smiled, laughing on her speech and said, “My Lord, enable me to become grateful to Your favor that you have bestowed on me and on my parents, and to do good deeds that You like, and admit me, with Your mercy, among Your righteous servants” [21: 19].

When Prophet Ibrahim prayed for his parents and believers, he said in Surah Ibrahim verse 41:

“Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and all believers on the day when reckoning shall take place” [14: 41].

This prayer was said by Prophet Ibrahim when he was quite old. As a result, it is apparent that both of his parents were devout Christians and monotheists. And the man he addressed as father was not his real father, but his uncle, who had reared him.

We pray go Allah Almighty to give us permission to read, understand and follow Quran, hadidth. Ameen Allah Hafiz

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