Big boy/nice rack

8 months ago

This one was the biggest one of the group. His name is Tamarack, like the tree. He looks pretty big and impressive with those horns, but he would've been really spectacular as an intact ram. I shear the same sheep every year, so they know me and I get to know them - and he is usually one of the most docile, despite his vaguely intimidating appearance. Once he is down, he doesn't really fight much - which is good, because it is really hard to hold onto the big ones with a lot of fight in them, like a real deal rodeo.

And yes, he does get a little knick - nobody is perfect ;) Luckily for him, sheep have thick hides and the lanolin from their skin helps them heal up wicked fast - usually completely within a day or so. I am not so lucky when I accidentally get myself - I bleed like a stuck pig and it takes ages (comparatively) for my fingers to heal up because I don't let a few flesh wounds stop me from shearing (those blades are sharp, sometimes you don't even realize you have been cut until you see blood) but the sheep can take it, if they have to: Although I try my best not to hurt anyone in the process - the thrashing and wiggling sometimes makes this simply impossible...but also sometimes it's just my fault for pushing too hard. I can usually tell the difference between fleece and flesh by feel (there are some things that can fool you, though), but it only takes a split second to slip up and make a mistake. It can be treacherously unforgiving, but it is extremely rewarding in the end. I could watch wool come off sheep all day long.

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