🚨BREAKING: Ted Cruz Destroys Alvin Bragg Following Rigged Verdict

8 months ago

Unless you are a brainless liberal who has their head to far up their ass, it is obvious that this entire case was rigged from the beginning.

You had a partisan Democrat state AG who ran on "getting Trump", a Democrat slob named Alvin Bragg who brought the fake case, the partisan judge who's daughter is an activist against Trump making money from the case, and of course, a rigged jury from Manhattan.

Democrats think they won, but they just united the country behind Donald Trump, and on election day this November WE THE PEOPLE will get the final say.

The left will say we need to respect the verdict, to that I say they can GO F--K THEMSELVES!

Never accept tyranny, I stand for Donald Trump, I donated, and so should you!

Even $1 adds up!

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