Let's call this build "NAP TIME" cuz you sleepwalk thru Heroic / Memento-PFE-Drone Build #Division2

8 months ago

Jokes aside, this build is quite strong and makes most Heroic content feel trivial in solo play. My character doesn't even need to take cover most of the time. As the video shows, the SMG (with Future Perfect talent) was easily maintaining +3 skills throughout the fights and allowing the Defender Drone to reduce damage taken by over 65.5%. This effectively TRIPLES the strength of the shield, triples the strength of armor/bonus armor, and effectively makes the +4 Armor Regen of the build into +12.

The Defender Drone damage reduction stacks ON TOP of the 37% damage reduction given by the Protection from Elites mods (additional +10% PFE if playing Survivalist).

That all being said, I'm still fine-tuning this build for solo Legendary play. We'll get there!

Possible future tweaks: I'm thinking the F2000 assault rifle or the G36 might be able to replace the Banshee SMG. I "think" their Time to Kill would be equal to the Banshee, especially since the build requires the secondary weapon to carry Future Perfect instead of a damage talent... and assault rifles would kill at a much farther range. On the negative side, the SMG can reach maximum critical hit chance on its own while assault rifles may require me to gimp the armor pieces to max that stat which IN TURN gimps the primary weapon (St. Elmo's) of Critical Hit Damage. I'm also thinking about using Eagle Bearer... now THAT would be incredible... if it can be made to work somehow.

I changed the specialization to Technician for a few reasons.

1) I lose 10% PFE from leaving Survivalist, but gain +1 Skill boost to the Defender Drone's default damage reduction, increasing it by 6% against all enemies not just elites.

2) Technician gives both the shield and drone a +3 skill level which makes it possible to trigger Overcharge using Future Perfect on the SMG and the TDI Kard Custom. While Overcharged, for 15 seconds, the Defender Drone reduces damage by 100% (!) and the shield becomes indestructible. The problem is that it is extremely hard to trigger Overcharge at will. So right now, the Overcharge is just a random boost triggered at a random time in combat. VERY POWERFUL... but only if we figure out how to time it.

3) With Technician and the TDI Kard Custom pistol, the shield and drone are at +4 skills making this a potential pistol/tank build, if necessary to play with Pistolero directive.

4) Technician MIGHT allow this build to switch from Strikers gear set to Heartbreaker because of the Linked Laser Pointer, but this is a BIG reduction in damage... especially at mid-range and far range. It depends on what kind of weapon we can find to replace St. Elmo's, which seems impossible tbh. If we really can switch to Heartbreaker, the build becomes extremely tough to kill, probably impossible for Heroic enemies.

5) I still think Firewall may be the better way to go though...

Current Build Breakdown:l

Main Weapon: St. Elmo's Engine w/Crit Chance 3rd Attribute
Secondary Weapon: CMMG Banshee w/DTOOC and Future Perfect
Pistol: TDI Kard Custom

Mask: Striker's Battlegear (CHC)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Memento (Protection From Elites)
Gloves: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Emperor's Guard-Murakami Industries (CHC)(Armor Regen)(Yellow Core)

Crusader Shield/Striker Shield
Defender Drone

This build isn't designed to be quick. It is designed to be EASY and SAFE. The goal is to create a single build that doesn't need switching throughout solo Legendary missions.

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