The Chariot seeks Inner Wisdom Energy Vlog

6 months ago

The Chariot seeks Inner Wisdom Energy Vlog title is from the date and the quality at a power of 9 thus the hermit and inner wisdom. today is May 30, 2024 thus 43 which adds to #7 the Chariot card taking charge; Swift movement and going for your goals.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure New site showed us twoo amplitudes both of the same power of 12 The first at 4:15 AM UTC thus we have the wheel of fortune rolling up to give the hanged man another thing to change his perspective on. The second amplitude power of 12 at 10:15 AM UTC thus The tower s failure give the hanged man pause to change his perspective on the structures of society. The Quality with a power of 9 The Hermit with a retreat up the mountain of enlightenment a call to go within. frequently average is 7.91 hertz thus 17 the Star card giving us hope and clarity of vision whilleaving us a bit vulnerable.
links :
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News site:

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