Biblical numbers: what every believer ought to know about the insights from number 7:

8 months ago

Content: moreh David Kam, RN, BSc,MBA, GCD, Ministry lead, TAV/תו.
Admin/support: Charitie Chia.
Platform: Tav/תו Ministries WA.

Acknowledgement/references/sources of videos used as part of the educational nature of this unpaid spiritual educational webinar:

1) AMAZING number patterns in the Bible! (

2) Earth to Orion to New Jerusalem + 2nd Coming (

3) High Priest Day of Atonement Sprinkling Blood Overhead View 2 (

4) Leviticus 16:14 Sprinkling the Blood 7 Times #tabernacle #jewishtemple #arkofthecovenant #atonement (
#arkofthecovenant #atonement (

5) Ring Nebula, M57,

6) Happy sheep,

Clarifications from Q&A at the end of the session:

1) Someone asked why I quoted Isaiah 9:5, when it should be Isaiah 9:6.
Actually, in the Biblical Hebrew text, chapter 8 has an additional verse (verse 23). Hence, our verse 1 in chapter 9 of Isaiah is actually verse 23 of chapter 8 in the Biblical Hebrew manuscripts. Hence, our 6th verse of chapter 9 in Isaiah is verse 5 in the Biblical Hebrew manuscript.
you can verify this if you refer to this website:


Expert remarks from other moreh during the session:

Moreh Miryam Nicholas mentioned a particular word in her opening prayer (in the fulll-length video); that word is Palmoni, which is mentioned in the margin of the old KJV version. Palmoni meant "the numberer of secrets" or, the wonderful numberer.

Isn't it amazing? The GOD we serve has fashioned this world in the most wonderful manner!

As you watch this segment on the Number 7 in the Bible, I want to challenge you to not just watch it but live it! Be challenged by the Designer's message to you!

I want to leave you with this words:

YHWH created the world (heavens and earth) in 6 days, and then the 7th day came, and it was blessed and sanctified as HE has COMPLETED His Amazing Work.

Yeshua uttered 7 final last sayings on the Cross, the final statement is Teteletsai (It is finished), signifying the work of salvation was COMPLETED

HE then gave us 7 Church Apostles (Paul, Apollos, Barnabas, Epaphroditus, Titus, Silas and Timothy, 7 Churches and as the Gospel is reached to the entire world, HE is waiting to pour out His cup of wrath (Revelation 16) as part of His 7 Bowls of judgement, signifying COMPLETENESS in His dealing with the evil and the power of darkness.

There is much to learn from His Ways as revealed through numbers. Indeed, GOD, the Palmoni, The Wonderful Numberer as moreh Miryam uttered in her opening prayer for the evening's spiritual teaching webinar.

Blessings & shalom/שלום

the TAV team.

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