HCNN - Making it loud and clear Amen. bump forward a hair if lags

9 months ago

bump forward a hair if lags WATCH VIDEO AT THE END.
just another day battling evil Amen. THOSE WHO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE CONS ARE AT IT AGAIN SCRACHING AT THE CAT POST. and yes the song at the end of this message is a part of my walk in life unfortunately these two evil cons are apart of it.. dedicated to them and anyone like them.
We will provide docs to prove what is being said. .just doing my part keeping the wolves out and eyes open. God Bless.

Michael wouldn't understand. for tomorrows not promised why does he make plans?

he dances with the devil make himself feel so good
he's only masking feelings.

Shelly making money blow it away up the nose or just any old way.
the monkey on their back they can't seem to get away.
only mask the feeling!

Bind him and rebuke him Bind him in Jesus' name.
oh i will always say......you been brain washed.

they find their self-losing everything they have
satan's illusion has placed them on a down path,
hey shelly let me show you the way the devils not the way now.

Bind him and rebuke him Bind him in Jesus name.
dude what are you doing????
you gotta bind and rebuke him. ,,you gotta rebuke him.

now it's down with all of his friends.
loaning him money he knows he'll never pay back.

playing on the heart ewww it's just the same. YEAH
roll of the dice one more time he lost it all.


needed one more fix drove him insane yeah,

Bind him and rebuke him Bind him in Jesus name.
I hear noise satan will tempt you any ole way
I hear noise shamming your name shamming your way!

Bind him and rebuke him Bind him in Jesus name. la na na na
Bind him and rebuke him Bind him in Jesus name.


oh brother and sister satans got you brain washed.


brother and sister.
brother and sister satan's got you brain washed.
brother and sister
brother and sister satan's got you brain washed.
brother and sister.


I hear noise. satan will tempt you any ole way now

I hear noise. he shamed your name.

I hear noise. satan will tempt you any ole way now

I hear noise. in JESUS NAME.
I hear noise.
released October 23, 2023

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