Background on Bird Flu: H5N1 Explained By Dr Kelly Victory and Dr Brian Hooker

7 months ago

Background on Bird Flu: if you look for viruses in nature (including in agricultural environments), you will find them. Whole animal populations in agricultural settings across the USA, Australia and elsewhere are now being culled due to the detection of viral fragments as testing regimes are introduced.

Who is to say that these fragments have not always been there, because previously this testing was never done. The only public health reason to test for possible presence of a specific virus is when there is a risk to health. However, the financial success of Covid has brought on the advent of testing to detect naturally existing organisms and create fear in order to promote the ongoing biosecurity state of restrictions, product consumption, increased profits to the biopharmaceutical military industrial complex, and increased power to authorities.

Given what is written in some official documents, reduction of population is also a likely goal, which can happen if food sources become limited. This will obviously happen if everyone believes whole herds need to be culled when fragments of a virus are found. Depopulation can also occur if your medical products cause infertility, injury and death.

"If you look for that which exists in nature, then you will find it".

This is not public health. This is a politically motivated, highly profitable business model. This week the World Health Assembly, sponsored by powerful corporations and political ideologues who openly talk about the need for depopulation, are attempting to introduce international legislation which will embed this business model into the political and economic systems of nations across the globe. The World Health Organization are no longer fit for purpose.


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