5 potatoes and eggs. Incredible! All neighbors will be asking for this recipe.

9 months ago

Recipe and preparation:

Hello, my friend!
How are you doing?
300 grams of cheese (10.58 ounces).
Let's cook a delicious potato and egg dinner together.
put the cheese on a teflon mat.
Subscribe to my channel!
it helps me move forward.
cut 5 potatoes.
tell me where you watch my channel!
I will be glad to read in the comments.
rinse potatoes in cold water.
some olive oil.
add salt and black pepper to taste.
bake in the oven at 180 C for 30 minutes.
120 grams of bacon (4.23 ounces).
olive oil.
fry for 5 minutes.
have questions about the recipe?
write to me, I will definitely answer.
5 eggs.
100 grams of sour cream (3.52 ounces).
add salt and black pepper to taste.
do you like my recipes?
fry the eggs, stirring constantly.
do as I do and you will succeed!
cook this delicious dinner after me and text me how do you like it?
chop the green onion.
roll into a roll.
do it carefully, it will be hot!
It wasn't easy, but I did it.
put in the oven for 15 minutes.
incredible! I have never eaten such a delicious dinner.
Bon appetit!
your delicious dinner!
you will be delighted!
subscribe to the channel!
See you!

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