OP2405-24-6 After Action Report

4 months ago

OP2405-24-6 After Action report (Written by Google Gemini)

After Action Report (AAR).
Operation: Heidemule Assault (OP2405-24-6).

Unit: 3rd Battalion, Chernarus 24th Separate Light Mountain Rifle Brigade.

1. Situation.

a. Enemy Forces: Separatist forces in the Gabreta region had been conducting increased patrols, particularly around the village of Heidemule. Intelligence indicated this village was a central focus of their operations.

b. Friendly Forces: A task force composed of elements from 3rd Battalion was assembled to conduct an assault on Heidemule.

2. Mission.

Drive enemy forces from Heidemule and re-establish control of the village.

3. Execution.

a. Initial Approach: During the march to Heidemule, 4th Squad encountered and repelled two enemy patrols with assistance from Command Squad. These engagements caused delays.

b. Initial Contact: 2nd Squad arrived in Heidemule first and established a defensive position on the northeastern edge. They were immediately engaged by enemy forces consisting of light armor vehicles, technicals, and infantry.

c. Main Effort: The remainder of the task force arrived under fire and engaged enemy forces. The task force commander ordered two artillery strikes on enemy approaches and initiated an attack on two enemy armored vehicles. A BRDM was destroyed, but the task force commander was killed in the action.

d. Reinforcements and Consolidation: As the remaining armored vehicle and enemy infantry continued attacks, reinforcements from 3rd Battalion (two light rifle squads and one T-72 tank) arrived. 2nd Squad suffered heavy casualties and was wiped out. The AA truck was also destroyed. The tank halted enemy advances from the northeast, but rifle attacks continued on the western side, particularly impacting 4th Squad.

e. Withdrawal: Command Squad shifted to the northwest to extricate 4th Squad and facilitate a withdrawal south for consolidation. They encountered both Spanish-speaking militia and Wagner Group personnel during this action. Despite heavy enemy counterfire, Command Squad successfully disengaged and covered the withdrawal of 4th Squad.

4. Results.

a. Friendly Casualties: 2nd Squad - wiped out; Command Squad and 4th Squad - five casualties each; 3rd Squad - two casualties. The task force withdrew in good order.

b. Enemy Casualties: Field estimates include three BRDM Scout cars, three BMP IFVs, and two technicals destroyed.

c. Mission Accomplishment: The operation dislodged enemy forces from Heidemule. However, the enemy's intent to capture the village was only disrupted, not decisively defeated.

5. Recommendations.

a. Increased reconnaissance and intelligence gathering are necessary to identify enemy dispositions and intentions in the Gabreta region.

b. Reinforcements with additional armor and infantry are required for future operations in Heidemule, anticipating further enemy attempts to seize the village.

c. Medical evacuation procedures should be reviewed to ensure timely extraction of casualties under fire.

d. A comprehensive after-action review should be conducted with all participating elements to identify and address any tactical deficiencies exposed during the operation.

6. Conclusion.

Operation Heidemule highlights the escalating threat posed by separatist forces in the Gabreta region. While the task force successfully dislodged the enemy from the village, the high casualties and incomplete mission accomplishment necessitate immediate adjustments to strategy and tactics. The enemy's continued focus on Heidemule suggests a renewed assault is likely. The battalion must prioritize increased intelligence gathering, enhanced force structure for future operations, and a thorough review of lessons learned from this engagement.

This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author.

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