Losing on Purpose: The Neocon Strategy is Designed to Fail

9 months ago

Erik traces the development of the Neocon establishment in Washington, starting with the collapse of the USSR and the need for new justifications to maintain the high defense spending that sustains the military-industrial complex. From an unnecessarily militant posture toward Russia that indirectly led to the present war in Ukraine to fomenting conflict and genocide in Africa, the Neocon legacy is one of death, destruction, and enormous profits.

Erik points out that private security firms have a track record of low-cost, highly-effective peacekeeping missions, yet are consistently blocked by Neocon administrations in Washington that prefer ineffective, high-cost military operations. The money wasted on arming and equipping these interventions has fueled the explosion of the U.S. national debt while lining the pockets of politicians, defense contractors, and political activist groups.

Read Erik’s full explanation of the Neocon failure, “Too Big to Win: How the MIC and the Neocons Keep America Losing,” at https://im1776.com/too-big-to-win/


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