Boomland - Play-through and Review - Levels 41 - 45 - June 2024

3 months ago

~~~~~ What is Boomland? What kind of game is Boomland? ~~~~~

Boomland is a destruction game along the lines of Angry Birds. Unlike Angry Birds where the player launches birds using a giant sling, the player places explosives in strategic places and attempts to do as much damage as possible.

~~~~~ Is Boomland “Pay to Win”? What do you get for spending real world money? ~~~~~

We have not found any money transactions in this game.

~~~~~ Is there any objectionable material in Boomland? ~~~~~

If the player is comfortable with the idea of blowing stuff up, then nothing else in the game will be objectionable.

~~~~~ Is Boomland fun to play? Is the game challenging? Is this game a grind? ~~~~~

There are times when someone will have the desire to blow stuff up. There are times when someone wants a different kind of game to play. Boomland fits that description.

Boomland can be challenging although we have found this game more frustrating than challenging. We do not mind learning and experimenting to clear a level. However when one is failing dozens of times, we believe the game may be too frustrating. When we are failing dozens of times, we believe that the level is too difficult.

~~~~~ What about in-game advertisements? How many are there? How intrusive are they? Do you get anything for enduring them? ~~~~~~

We have not encountered any in-game advertisements.

We applaud this game for that feature.

~~~~~ What are the pros and cons of this game? ~~~~~

A simple game to pick up and understand.
The player gets to blow stuff up - sometimes sky high.
Has background music.

Very difficult game, especially in the early levels.
While this game has a 3 level tutorial, this game could use a longer one to learn the nuances of the game.

~~~~~ Do you recommend this game? ~~~~~

If one played Angry Birds and got frustrated because one could not get the birds to do what was desired, this game eliminates some of that frustration.

If one enjoys destruction-type games, this one will suffice.

As far as children goes, we will leave that up to the parents. While we have found nothing beyond the obvious, it is that obvious that some parents may object to the idea of blowing stuff up.

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