Legislative Candidates Forum ***Primary Election June 4th - Get out and VOTE!***

6 months ago

Pennington County Republicans and SD Citizens for Liberty sponsored a legislative candidate forum for all legislative candidates in Pennington County.

Candidates in attendance are as follows:

District 27 Anthony G. Kathol
Bruce Whalen
District 30 Forrest Foster
Julie Frye-Mueller
Amber Hulse
District 33 Curt Voight
District 34 Taffy Howard
District 35 Greg Blanc
Curtis Nupen

District 30 Pat Baumann
Matthew Monfore
Stephen Saint
Matt Smith
District 32 John Robert James
District 33 Phil Jensen*
District 34 Heather Baxter
District 35 Tina Mulally*
Tony Randolph*

*Candidates without a primary challenger graciously offered to be introduced but not participate in the candidate forum to allow more time for candidates with a contested race.

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