Ethiopia - Addis News Network Daily News

8 months ago

Oromiya's regional president, Shimelis Abdissa, declared in a speech to influential Oromo figures and business leaders his intention to arm one million youth to eliminate Neftegnas, a derogatory term for Amharas. Furthermore, he asserted their aim to render Neftegnas as inconsequential as Nyagatom and yem. It is unequivocal that the regional president, alongside the prime minister, is the primary instigator of the suffering endured by the Amhara people in Oromia. Human rights advocates are urging the international community to intervene, emphasizing the urgent need to protect the Amhara people. The call for action seeks to hold the regional government and prime minister accountable and ensure compliance with international human rights standards. The international community’s response could play a crucial role in resolving the humanitarian crisis and safeguarding the rights of citizens in Ethiopia.

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