TheDimStream LIVE! Inglourious Basterds (2009) | Jojo Rabbit (2019)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!
-Inglourious Basterds
-Jojo Rabbit


thrasybulus Anybody else think that Tarantino peaked with Resevoir Dogs and is trying not to let people know he only had one original idea?

thrasybulus @GingerAdjacent does @AlexNeedAnAlarmClock tonight?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Hey, I'm here!

RonGreen1 Did Alex get a new Timex? 😂

thrasybulus If @AlexIsOnTime then where is @MurderGoose2028?

RonGreen1 Beverly's watch is still at the repair shop.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I've got a Garmin.

thrasybulus Watch at the repair shop? To quoteth the Drill Instructor "Get yourself a G-Shock and not a pussyass Timex" and you won't have that problem.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus I think both Tarantino and Shyamalan started at their peaks and went down from there, Shyamalan more precipitously.
The rule of law has prevailed. Trump has been convicted on 34 felonies. The arguments for and against his guilt are vast, exceeding what I can possibly write here. Search "Rule 34" to find out more!

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw I'm surprised Shamalan get gets budgets to make movies.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Wait, they're enforcing the law now? So charges will be soon follow for all the living presidents, right? Right?

thrasybulus I'm afraid rule 308 may end up being more applicable soon.

RonGreen1 Bottom line, they want Trump dead.

Qriist Supporter There's nothing precluding it.

thrasybulus CNN tells me to only trust CNN and not to question them. If I get my information anywhere else, I will be disinformed.

thrasybulus Recent Biden rally couldn't fill a HS gym.

RonGreen1 Biden can only draw flies.🤣

thrasybulus Slow decline? Someone's an optimist.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, don't worry, by arond 2050 humans will be sterile and unable to reproduce.

thrasybulus I like war movies and I don't like IB.

RonGreen1 With nuclear war on the horizon, eat dessert first.

JQuickDraw Supporter I'd rather wait for a spicy dusting of nuclear winter on my dessert.

Qriist Supporter The Nazi commander at the start of the film? He LOOKED, SOUNDED, and ACTED *exactly* like the First Sergeant I was under at the time I watched the movie blind.

thrasybulus Do we all need to have imdb open for this?

Qriist Supporter It was kind of surreal.

RonGreen1 I used to watch a lot of foreign films. Audri Tatou and some Italian comedian guy.

thrasybulus Seh schlecht.

thrasybulus Sehr schlecht.

RonGreen1 Audri Tatou also made a movie with Sean Connery.

Qriist Supporter Remember when Charlie Chaplin came in 3rd in an impersonator contest?

JQuickDraw Supporter He dated her pre-Goop

thrasybulus They met filming Se7en right?

tinyplayerss Verified Heyo!

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey

tinyplayerss Verified I Got a Question how would You Show Committed Appreciation for Your Follower base? Live Streams or Videos?

thrasybulus @SomeBitchIKnow's opening credits have started. I'm out in a couple minutes.

thrasybulus Weimar economy was Bidenflation compounded daily.

Qriist Supporter According to reports of secretly recorded conversations, most Nazi officers were truly disgusted with Hitler et al.

RonGreen1 The Germans had the coolest uniforms.

thrasybulus There is an argument that Neonazis are worse than Nazis because they didn't know all the stuff that was being done the first time.

thrasybulus Bye.

RonGreen1 Dr. Fauci would have been a good Nazi.

JQuickDraw Supporter Jim? Wait, he had a longer name, right? Now what was it?

JQuickDraw Supporter Wolfenstein 3D had Nazis

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly autistically looking at the bottom of objects while Alex talks.

RonGreen1 Pro tip: Don't buy jack stands from Harbor Freight. Chinese metallurgy sucks.

JQuickDraw Supporter Chinese manufacturing generally sucks. That's their selling proposition - minimum prices because they apply minimum effort in making stuff.

JQuickDraw Supporter Tarantino also like women's feet. I mean, like, a lot.
OakPoke Supporter+ Nothing gets Alex more excited than sam rockwell doing speeches for hitler youth :)
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening ladies, chat.
OakPoke Supporter+ TMNT ? Who? Raphael? The guy who had a cricket bat?
OakPoke Supporter+ Head thug 1990...that was a great movie btw.
OakPoke Supporter+ TMNT the first one was probably for adults...the second one had VANILLA ICE, it was great
OakPoke Supporter+ Inglourious Basterds is pretty bad propaganda, right? Idk if I could handle it.
OakPoke Supporter+ Hitler had bad stomach issues too...was probably stress, but maybe he ate too many grains, being a vegetarian.
OakPoke Supporter+ the irony of Harvey Weinstein, the producer of Inglourious Basterds, being honored by the "human rights organization" the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
OakPoke Supporter+ 5'8 vs peter dingle
OakPoke Supporter+ That's right, beverly would look down @ him @ 5'`10"?
OakPoke Supporter+ Swastikas are still cool...I like the european symbols...frig off ADL
OakPoke Supporter+ Yeah there were tons and tons or abortions during the occupation, for that reason

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