Pocket Pema Chödrön: 70 - Space Permeates Everything (Yamsox Live Reading April 9th, 2024)

8 months ago

Exploring the Infinite: Wisdom from Pema Chodron & the Omnipresence of Space

In this enlightening live stream, dive deep into the profound teachings of Pema Chodron and explore the omnipresence of space in our lives and the universe. Beginning with the timeless wisdom of Pema Chodron, we embark on a spiritual journey that transcends the physical, opening our eyes to the vastness that exists within and all around us. As we move through the stream, we uncover the fundamental truth that space permeates everything, offering a new perspective on connectivity, the essence of being, and the eternal dance of the cosmos. This video is a gateway to understanding the seamless unity of existence and our place within it, inspiring viewers to see beyond the tangible and embrace the infinite possibilities of the spiritual realm.

00:00:00 Wisdom from Pema Chodron
00:02:00 Space Permeates Everything

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