Supermayor Tiff Tiff cancels Township Budget Meeting to game the system

9 months ago

Over 50 residents came to Thornton Township headquarters Tuesday night to comment on, ask questions about, and witness the approval of the next Thornton Township budget. But after 53 minutes of waiting for the meeting to start, Supervisor Tiffany Henyard emerged and canceled the meeting due to “lack of quorum.”

According to the Illinois Open Meetings Act, for a five-member board like Thornton Township’s, a quorum of three members needs to be present to hold a meeting and vote on business. It’s unclear why it took 53 minutes to determine that a quorum wasn’t present. Additionally, a roll call was never conducted to confirm the lack of a quorum.

Trustee Chris Gonzalez was present, as was Supervisor Henyard. Absent were trustees Jerry Jones, Darlene Gray-Everett, and Carmen Carlisle. The meeting was held in the basement of township headquarters.

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