015 080's Commercials Volume 015

9 months ago

A bunch of commercials that aired on ABC on March 13th, 1987. Be prepared to hear the phrase "Breakfast By The Hand" a lot during this particular compilation. For fun, take a shot every time this phrase is uttered.

1. McDonald's - "Good Timing" (Notice the giant phone he grabs at the end)
2. U.S. Army (And this is supposed to make me want to join how?)
3. U.S. Army (Emasculation total)
4. Volkswagen GTI (People singing in German have always scared the crap out of me)
5. Loreal Studio Line (Again, the influence of widespread cocaine use during the 1980's rears its ugly head)
6. Promo for ABC's "Wide World Of Sports"
7. McDonald's - "Breakfast For 4" (It'd be awesome if these guys had a sitcom where did literally nothing but sing in unison all of the time)
8. Volkswagen Golf (Question: When women are driving, are they constantly wondering if the dude behind them is checking them out?)
9. Avon (I love cheesy saxophone music from the 80's)
10. South Bay Health Center Dental Services (You know this guy was either an anchorman or game show host at some point)
11. KNTV 11 News Break (AIDS Scare!)
12. McDonald's - "The New Kid" (Against all odds, I hope this guy is still alive making Egg McMuffins)
13. Comtrex (Why does this sound like an evil corporation?)
14. Promo for "We Are The Children" (Ally Sheedy - learning about life's choices. Ted Danson - a cynic with a heart. Their love grew where nothing else could...Poetry, sheer poetry.)
15. Sunnyvale Ford (Damn, it's pretty amazing how cheap things used to be...)
16. McDonald's - "Special Delivery" (They really had the jingle writers working overtime for these commercials)
17. Bud Light (OK, this is frightening)
18. McDonald's - "Hot Hands" (Does anybody know who the girl at the end is? I'm sure she's either an actress, model, or both, and I can't put my finger on who she is. I'm thinking Kathy Ireland...maybe.)

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