Relational Skills

8 months ago

Join me for a special excerpt from our Kingdom Equipping Center course Transformations. In this 40-minute teaching, I discuss aspects of building loving relationships of all kind through the lens of both science and the scriptures. The first part takes a look at how our brain processes our relational engagements (versus logical experiences) and the second part is a wonderful journey into how we can reflect all of the BEING LOVING DOING aspects of God in our everyday lives. The third part is an activation where we get to have some time to encounter with God about what we have learned and gain new insights from them that are unique to us. I hope you will find this lesson valuable for your life and in your ongoing journey towards wholeness! Note: This teaching is based in large part on the book Transforming Fellowship: 19 Brain Skills That Build Joyful Community by Chris Coursey. For more information about Mr. Coursey, please visit

*What is Transformations? Transformations is a faith-based course of study created by Adena Hodges and hosted by Kingdom Equipping Center ( Using short, focused, video-based teaching, guest speakers, opportunities for direct heavenly encounters, and weekly group support, the Transformations course of study leads participants out of the cycle of trauma and victimhood and into a direct relationship with the God and their true identity in Jesus Christ.

If you would like more information about Transformations, please contact Adena at

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